Dear friend,

You have been directed to this sign up form as someone who has engaged with Bro Madryn Churches at some point.

Here you can sign up to receive emails from us using a method which enables us to ensure that we comply with Data Protection Regulations. If you don't wish to sign up, then you will not receive any further emails from us by this method.

We intend to use this tool to stay in touch with you over the coming months while our churches are closed and gathering for worship, fellowship and support is not possible, not permitted or not advisable.

We may, as a result, be able to serve you in some way, or to offer you opportunities to serve others.

Our intention is to make these emails fully bilingual as much as possible, unless haste requires otherwise.

I do hope that you will be able to sign up for these emails.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you might overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Gyda phob bendith,


Y Parch / The Rev'd Richard Wood | 07572 776225

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